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How to Learn a Programming Language
Whether you want to design a video game, develop some cool apps for iPhone or Android or just want to do it for fun, programming is the way to go. There are countless programming languages for all sorts of uses, but learning them is easy once you learn how to use one. As a beginner, you'll probably start with Java or HTML. Once you become proficient in a language, you'll be able to create all sorts of new programs and really let your creativity show through!

Choose a programming language. Always start to learn from a core language. When you first begin to learn, choose mid-level language like C and afterwards C++. Learning these two is a must for any competent and complete programmer, as these are industry standards. Don't start off learning high level languages such as Java or something else as they can prove to be very confusing for a beginner. (You can always learn other languages later, of course, but you'll want to have C and C++, at a minimum, under your belt.). Since C/C++ could look too hard to true beginner, you may prefer Python also. It is widely considered as a good language for beginners. Study a language for at least one year. Learn the common programming paradigms, especially procedural and object-oriented. Read a lot and practice with a compiler or IDE (there are many free ones online). Once you've mastered a language, do not rush to implement. Instead buy some good books on data structure and learn the key subjects like searching, sorting, binary tree and linked list creation etc. Whether it is about game or software development, data structure is the protege. Later, you may move on to a high level language such as Java[1]. For serious programming learn computer algorithms like divide and conquer, greedy method, backtracking, etc. for another year at least.